
My bibliographic information can also be found on REPEC or Google Scholar.


Refereed Articles

1. McLeod, L., G. Buckley, and A. Sweetman, (2016). A Descriptive Study of Ontario Primary Care Models. CMAJ Open 4(4): E679-E688.

2. Farmer, J., L. McLeod, A. Siddiqic, V. Ravaghid, C. Quinoneza, (2016). Examining changes in income-related oral health inequality in Canada: a population-level perspective. Canadian Journal of Dental Hygiene 50(2): 65-71

3. Farmer, J., L. McLeod, A. Siddiqic, V. Ravaghid, C. Quiñoneza, (2016) Towards an understanding of the structural determinants of oral health inequalities: A comparative analysis between Canada and the United States. SSM - Population Health Vol. 2, 226-236.

4. McLeod, L., (2015). The association between physician supply and the mix of generalist and specialist services used. Contemporary Economic Policy 33(3), 434-449.

5. Humphreys, B., L. McLeod, and J. Ruseski, (2014). Physical activity and health outcomes: evidence from Canada. Health Economics 23(1), 34-55.

6. Buckley, N., D. Cameron, K. Cuff, J. Hurley, L. McLeod and S. Mestleman (2012). An Experimental Investigation of Mixed Systems of Public and Private Health Care Finance. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 84(3), 713-729.

7. Buckley, N., K. Cuff, J. Hurley, L. McLeod, R. Nuscheler, and D. Cameron, (2012). Willingness-to-pay for parallel private health insurance: Canadian evidence from a laboratory experiment. Canadian Journal of Economics 45(1), 137-166.

8. McLeod, L., J. Kingston-Riechers and E. Jonsson, (2012). A conceptual framework identifying sources of risk to patient safety in primary care. Australian Journal of Primary Health, 18(3), 185-189.

9. McLeod, L., (2011). A nonparametric vs. latent class model of general practitioner utilization: Evidence from Canada. Journal of Health Economics 30(6), 1261-1279.

10. McLeod, L., B. Bereza, MS Shim, and P. Grootendorst, (2011). Financial burden of household out-of-pocket expenditures for prescription drugs: cross-sectional analysis based on national survey data. Open Medicine, 5(1), 1-9.

11. DeCicca, P., and L. McLeod, (2008). Cigarette taxes and older adult smoking: Evidence from recent large tax increases. Journal of Health Economics, 27(4), 918–929.

12. McLeod, L., and M.R. Veall, (2006). The dynamics of food insecurity and overall health: evidence from the Canadian National Population Health Survey. Applied Economics, 38(18), 2131-2146.

Book Chapters

1. McLeod, L., H. Ariizumi (2019). Health Insurance. In: Gu D., Dupre M. (eds) Encyclopedia of Gerontology and Population Aging. Springer, Cham.

2. Ariizumi H., L. McLeod (2019). User Fees (Coinsurance, Copayment and Deductibles). In: Gu D., Dupre M. (eds) Encyclopedia of Gerontology and Population Aging. Springer, Cham.

3. DeCicca, P. and L. McLeod (2015). Chapter 3: Smoking in Canada. In Life-course smoking behavior: Patterns and national context in ten countries, D.R. Lillard and R. Christopoulou (eds.). Oxford University Press.

4. DeCicca, P. and L. McLeod (2015). Chapter 11: Smoking by men in cross-country perspective. In Life-course smoking behavior: Patterns and national context in ten countries, D.R. Lillard and R. Christopoulou (eds.). Oxford University Press.

5. Johnson, J.A., L. McLeod, A.L. Edwards, D.M. Rabi, and S.U. Balko, (2011). Chapter 4: Diabetes and Health Care Utilization in Alberta. In Alberta Diabetes Atlas 2011, J.A. Johnson, editor. Edmonton, AB: Institute of Health Economics, 35–58.

Other Refereed Articles

1. Kingston-Riechers J., M. Ospina, E. Jonsson, P. Childs, L. McLeod, and J. Maxted, (2010). Patient Safety in Primary Care. Edmonton, AB: Canadian Patient Safety Institute and BC Patient Seafety & Quality Council.

2. Heisz, A. and L. McLeod, (2004). Low-income Census Metropolitan Areas, 1980-2000, Perspectives on Labour and Income, 5(5), 5-11. (Catalogue No. 75-001-XIE)

3. Heisz, A. and L. McLeod, (2004). Low-income in Census Metropolitan Areas, 1980-2000, Socio-economic and Business Analysis Branch. Statistics Canada. (Catalogue No. 89-613-MIE2004001)

Unpublished Papers (copies available)

1. Mahootchi, T., I. Castillo, and L. McLeod (2015). Coordinating Contracts in Value-Based Healthcare Delivery: Integration and Dynamic Incentives. Canadian Centre for Health Economics (CCHE) Working Paper #20150008.

2. McLeod, L., and J. Ruseski (2015). Longitudinal Relationship between Physical Activity and Health. Canadian Centre for Health Economics (CCHE) Working Paper #20150002.

3. McLeod, L., and J.A.. Johnson. Changing the Schedule of Medical Benefits and the Effect on Primary Care Physician Billing: Quasi-Experimental Evidence from Alberta.

4. Corvari, N., and L. McLeod (2014). The Burden of Prescription Drugs on Seniors: Reducing Out-of-Pocket Expenditures Through Lower Co-payments. Laurier Centre for Economic Research and Policy Analysis (LCERPA) Working Paper #2014-3.

5. McLeod, L., (December 2011). Income-related horizontal inequities in physician use by asthmatics and diabetics: evidence using linked administrative data from Ontario. McMaster University, Research Data Centre, Research Paper No. 22.